26 Jul 2009


Got the 2nd diary

It took me just exactly 15 days to have this after the first one. Being pampered last night by my fiance so I asked him to buy this one for me. Hehe. My BFF bought the first diary for me (she pampered me too! hehe).
I was expecting this to be one of a good LOL pleasures just like the 1st one but I'm a bit frustrated that it only gave me some slight giggles and smiles reading along. It only took me couple of hours to finish reading this book last night. The nice thing about this kind of story books is that it comes in some mini cartoons inside it that I considered it as a comical diary. Which is good cuz I luv to read comics! Nonetheless, I'm looking forward to have the next two books of this wimpy kid by the end of this month perhaps and hoping it will be as funny as the 1st one. Anyway, as a total, I feel good in owning this kind of story books and hoping to get more of this sort from any local bookstores. If only I could draw much better, I'm sure my journals will be famous too! Haha!

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